2010年4月30日 星期五

Deliver a speech---by Harica

Dear Diary

I went to a contest of presentation with Tsai i ju (蔡宜如) Zhong Qing Zhen(鐘慶真) Huang Shih Jay (黃仕杰) 張怡婷、翁詩雅、張博元 . We had speech about exchange cards and a winter camp held by iEARN.
I was so nervous stood on the stage. By the way, I met a friend, 北一女's bear. She joined the contest with 台東高中. I'm so happy! Therefore I took some pictures with them
At the ending time, we got a goal. We were so surprise and happy! We had a happy ending at the contest.

DP Introduction

The Data Processing is a speciallized department of studing software.

Like Microsof Word, Excel and Power Point.

The aim is education specialists in the Data Processing filed.

Currently, the computer science and technology is the most popular field in the every waik of life .
Also, it is the filed to which every walk of life want to develop and give impetus.

the industry of information is the present economic system's life blood in the domestic.

The DP can be said that it's very important.

2010年4月29日 星期四

Kaohsiung Vocational Commercial High School

Kaohsiung Vocational Commercial High School is an energetic school. Students are not only passionate but also kind to me. And their teachers are excellent.

Their campus is full of green plants everywhere. It’s special that there is a big banyan stand at the center of the campus. It’s the symbol of their school. On the other hand, there is a Wind Chimes Pavement that makes us feel comfortable. I have heard that the falling leaves make us pleased in the autumn. However, it is not fall but now is swimming season.