2010年4月30日 星期五

Deliver a speech---by Harica

Dear Diary

I went to a contest of presentation with Tsai i ju (蔡宜如) Zhong Qing Zhen(鐘慶真) Huang Shih Jay (黃仕杰) 張怡婷、翁詩雅、張博元 . We had speech about exchange cards and a winter camp held by iEARN.
I was so nervous stood on the stage. By the way, I met a friend, 北一女's bear. She joined the contest with 台東高中. I'm so happy! Therefore I took some pictures with them
At the ending time, we got a goal. We were so surprise and happy! We had a happy ending at the contest.

1 則留言:

  1. Oh my god~~~~~

    We didn't participate in this speech because we had a big exam about Mechanical Drafting on that day. However, our teacher told us the exam was held a week ago! Unfortunately, He asked us the exam to change day. Our classmates, includ me, it was surprised us to know that.

    We didn't take part in speech gretefully and expect next opportunity to present.

    BY Kaohsiung Industrail High School, Mechanical Drafting Class B, Wendy(鍾育庭),73630090
