2010年5月2日 星期日

Typewriting club

Dear diary

Today , we joined the Typewriting club.

Our club teacher , Summer , taught us typewriting.

I worked hard on it because I want to tpye more quickly.

But I don't have fingers , I couldn't do it better.

Though typewriting was a little difficult , I finally made it.

After that , I spent some times watching a movie on-line.

It was interesting for me to see the movie and practice typewriting.

24 則留言:

  1. Nicholas learned useful course in DP110. I think Nicholas must be happy in your class. :)

    by KIHSclassB Monica(27)

  2. Nothing isn't easy in the beginning.Just do it,patiently.Harika has many friends around her.
    Her everyday is so happy.And she will learn many things.

    by KIHS MD100A Knight (22)

  3. Look at these pictures. I can know that Harika was very happy for making new friend in Kaohsiung Vocational Commercial High School. In addition to make friends, Harika learnd a lot of things with you. This makes me very happy.

    By KIHSclassA VK(13)

  4. I think Harika was so happy in Kaohsiung Vocational Commercial High School.Because she looked happy and funny in the class.And I am so happy with it.So it time to say with Harika "JUST DO IT and BE HAPPY"

    BY KIHSclassA JI BABBY(29)

  5. Wow~Harika looked have a good time in Kaohsiung Vocational Commercial High School.I think Harika must be learn a lot of experience about your curricula.Thanks for your assistance.

    By KIHSclassA Vimanta(34)

  6. Hellow.Harika looks wonderful in your class.Thank you for teaching Harika to use computer.I think she must do lots of things in your school,right?

    BY KIHS MD100A Shone(28)

  7. When I look at the photos that Harika took from study tour everywhere let us learn many different kinds of school's way of life. Blessing Harika can have a good time in the next travel.

    By KIHS MD100A yu-hsiang(23)

  8. she looked very happy over there , i am so admiration her , she learns many things over there , thank you for teaching her so much , thank you.

    BY KIHS MD100A WU(01)

  9. Harika look like is very happy with you.
    Perhaps she could pass the joyful time together with you.

    By KIHS MD100A monkey(08)

  10. Harika looked like likes your environment very much We also very much anticipate you bear.

    By KIHS MD100A Li(05)

  11. When I watched this photograph,Ithought she was interested in Kaohsiung Vocational Commercial High School which tought Harika to type words.
    I'm so glad to see Harika have a good time in typewriting moment.

    by KIHS MD100A(10)

  12. After I watch the photograph, I am glad to know Harika improve her typewriting skill and have good time in the Typewriting club.

    By KIHS MD100A YEN(06)

  13. Harika was already learned a skill in DP110!
    It seems that Harika had fun and enjoyments during her trip.
    Hope she can discover more and more interestin thing in the future!

    BY KIHS MD100A Ray(04)

  14. After watching the pictures, I think Harika learned all kinds of things seriously. And she also participated in a lot of things.

    By KIHS MD100A Wu(02)

  15. It's not easy for Harika.
    And so are you.(maybe)
    thank you for though her.
    wish she can enjoy the life everyday.

    By KIHS MD100A Mavis(36)

  16. It seems that Harika had a great experience in typewriting club.I hope that she can learn more things and enjoy her life in Kaohsiung Vocational Commercial High School .

    by MD100A (09)

  17. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  18. Harika's photos look very serious at learning.Thank you for helping her to learn there.

    By KIHS MD100A (33)

  19. HAha!! It's a funny and cool life for Harika . I thought she can study many matters at Typewriting club. I believe she is very enjoy every things and glad to meet you.

    Good luck to you and Harika .

    by KIHS MD100A (35)

  20. From the pictures.
    I think Harika was very enjoy in the club.
    Thanks for your teaching Harika many tkings.
    Hope Harika like and learn a lot in computer,although her hands without fingers.XD

    Thank you very much.

    By KIHS MD100A (31)

  21. Where there's a will , there 's a way
    No matter how difficult to type,we have to overcome it.
    Then,thanks god I have fingers.

    by KIHS MD100A Bee (30)

  22. Hey !! Congratulations !!
    I am proud of Harika .
    Have a good day.

    By KIHS MD100A Ghost (40)

  23. Hi~Thanks your attention and teaching.Harika must be a smart baby.

    By KIHS MD100A Ting (39)

  24. Did not expect Helenka finally be playing on the computer of the hand but did not play computer it can only be good XD

    By KIHS MD100A(18-KV)
