2010年5月4日 星期二

Table tennis clube

Today play table tennis , I found that the table tennis club was almost boys.

The air conditioner here is broken,so there was very hot.

But I see each persons play hard,so I also decited to join them.

Just started me inviting them first to teach me how to play,just learned foundation of I right away look for person a game.

The end divides into out the victory or defeat,resuit certainly is that I lost.

After finishing playing this,I beide see the technique that they play,learn them until class is over.

This table tennis lesson was really happy and knew a lot of new friend, and still learned how to play table tennis.

6 則留言:

  1. Nicholas look like very enjoy the table tennis game. I am so happy because you take care of him very much.Haha, I look at your pictures that lets me wanting to join you. :)

    by KIHSclassB B-ling35韋廷

  2. Nicholas can knew many new friends and he can play the table tennis game., he must have a good mood. I also felt happy. Wish you had a good time in school.

    by KIHS classB -23 Roy(乃魁)

  3. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  4. Nicholas looks very happy. I think he got an excellent experience. We miss him very much because he has left for a long time.

    by KIHS ClassB (26)

  5. Nicholals looks very cute.I am to except when he coming KIHS ClassA.And bring much laughter for us.

    by KIHS ClassA(09)

  6. Table tennis is not general for the student in KIHS. We often play basketball or volleyball at PE class.

    by KIHS ClassA(15)
