2010年5月27日 星期四

May 16,2010, I arrived in another Kaohsiung school,
Kaohsiung Commercial high School.
Today not only was Saturday but also was a important day.
Yes! Today was The Technological and Vocational Education
{ TVE } system(統測) that was significant for senior.
When I got this information, I should cheer on senior
of Kaohsiung Commercial high School.

Also, I met the principal of Kaohsiung Commercial high School

and an old Woman that she was a graduate of
Class 1950 of Kaohsiung Commercial high School.

Hnn…I thought she could as my grandmother!!

In afternoon. The two handsome boys Angoo
and Zax took me to the KFC(肯德基) to study
because they had a math exam next week.
Of course I ate their a lot of food secretly.
I regretted because I found that I ate so much.
I thought I would become a Pig for sure !!

